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Monday, January 28, 2008

how happy are you..??

Here comes the tag from Ami. Sorry for the delay, sis.
No kidding... pingsan It's not 100% true. gatai I'm just simply person with complicated problems. And I'm just ordinary people who always try to reach happiness. Now, I truly don't know what in my head's.. Coz the result is :

You Are 100% Happy

It's unlikely that you know anyone happier than you.
You know how to be happy, no matter what life throws at you.

pokpok Ollaa, guys... try this & have fun! May you all are totally happy. Good luck!
Ayo dunk, cobain... marisini mbak Eviecalyptus, Deazy, Dessy, bunda Azra, mama Shasa, bunda Ani, semua-muanya deh! Enjoy aja yaah.. piss-ah


  1. halah, yang beginian aku udah 80% quiznya aku cobain dari kapan tau deh. dah lama. cuman gak dipajang di blog ajah....hehehehehe....


  2. bunda ngerjainnya nanti ajah yah, nunggu abah pulang, biar ngerjainnya di bantuin abah translitnya hihi....

  3. Wuaaaa....kena tag lagi!... sabar ya djeng, ntar kalau kerjaan kantor dah beres deh aku kerjain.
    Makasiiih ya inget daku :-)


Hey, thanx..:)