At The Kindergarten Art Competition in Surabaya ... apparently, still in The East Java Cultural Week event. After the dance & vocal training for 2 weeks, Azka suddenly covered her ears when the sound check on stage:( (He actually didn't like loud noises coming out of the speakers). Miss Lina & some people tried to persuade him without success..... Finally, his father came from Kediri (especially for him), took over the situation "Dedek, while Chester Bennington was singing, he didn't cover his ears with hands.. Tell me, where there was a Linkin Park concert with their hands covering ears??"
Next, he confidently went to the stage, singing, dancing (thought moving his hands only), & put an end to the song "Blue-Blue" with metal greetings.....!
This video has inspired him much:D.. Thanx, Chester!
Saatnya Lomba Kesenian Tingkat TK se-Surabaya... kayaknya masih dalam rangka Pekan Budaya Jatim deh. Setelah latihan vokal & tari selama 2 minggu, mendadak Azka menutup kedua telinganya pas cek sound di panggung:( (dia emang ga suka dengan suara keras yg keluar dari speaker). Miss Lina & beberapa orang berusaha membujuknya tanpa hasil..... tiba saatnya si Bapak yang datang special dari Kediri, mengambil alih "Dedek, Chester Bennington tuh kalo lagi nyanyi ga pake nutupin telinga loh... Coba, mana ada konsernya Linkin Park yang tangannya nutupin telinga??"
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Hey, thanx..:)