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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Nice Matter Award

My God... what kind of award is this?!? Sound's wonderfull... I luv it love. Much thanks & big hugs peluk for you, Liza. I feel so special malu *thoink... Coz you did not let me accept this award in The Hall of Fame, topi then you sent it here directly. really touched me! malu *wink Sorry for the delay. polisi You guys in the back seats.... Oh, c'mon... let me admire it for a moment sembah*, before I share it with .... (umm, kagatau can't see the nomenees up there!) gelakguling Haha haa.. just kidding! I'm happy to share this award with all my blogger friends. Especially umi Azka, bunda Azra, bunda Salma, Puan, & mbak DJ. semangat Go, get it here, guys!

Ga tega rasanya ngliat yg lain pada ngiler & putus cinte.. putuscinte. Awardnya emang ga buat diobral, tapi sengaja dipersembahin 'tuk semua temen-temen blogger tercintah, cium monggo silakan mampir & pada diambil... respek


  1. aa..uu ooow..asik mbu dpt award terus..selamat ya beibeh..

  2. You deserve it dear. Take care.

  3. mau nengok azka eeh liat award...ya ampyuun deh ternyata belum selesai yah musiman awardnya hihih... BTW selamat yah mbu!.... beneran tuh bunda dapet? sumpeh??? Aduuh bunda takut ge-er ah kalau belum di khabarin sama mbu langsung....(bunda Azra)


Hey, thanx..:)