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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Another Homework / Ketimpuk Pe eR..... (lagi?!*x^%.;#+$)

Sapa sih yg mule acara gini2an di akhir taon?!? soal Daku dah feel free & fresh lega ga dapet Pe eR kaya ginian waktu blogwalking.... heeh, malah dapet diawal taon. Mana musti obok-obok isi perut ndiri lagi...adus malu kaaan!
Posting the rules-nya ajah gimana...setan heheheee
Kasian juga deh, Bundanya Salma ama Aunty Deazy dah berbaik hati mo ngajakin ngerjain Pe-eR barengan masa' iya daku tolak. Let us do, guys!

The Rules: 1. Each blogger must post these rules
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight peoples to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and to read ur blog.

8 Facts / Habits about me :

celebrate Azka makes me happy (Azka bikin hepi teruuss)
Speechless... I've gave birth to Azka in a perfect condition. An amazing baby boy that I always hope cheers my 365 days.
Horee, akhirnya punya dede sendiri.. Hepi teyuss tiap hari.

agree6 Thrifty (kagak boros lagee..)
Save the time. Save the money. Preparing myself & family for the next unknown.
Kita ga berharap terjadi sesuatu yg heboh. Tapi gimanapun kudu siap menghadapi apapun yg bakal datang & ga kita ketahui.

takbole Never on time (ngaret bo'..!)
Who has to blame by this condition?! Weather? Job? Son? Well, I take traffic jam!
Ngaret teruuus! Ga usah ditanya kenapa! Kali ini dah tau diri kalo kebiasaan yg satu ini bener2 kebangetan pokok'e.

banyakckp Ignorable (lebih cuek)
Much job. Less time. No more time to pay attentions.
Cuekin arisan! Abaikan kerja bakti! Kalopun wajib, titip absen ajah ala anak kuliahan!

penatCooking as request (masak kalo diminta doang!)
Not enough time to explore your moody foodies, huny... Please request! I'll cook you something.
Beli ajah deh pak... ato mampir aja ke warung atau rumah ortu, pasti ditawarin ma'em. He'eh ajah kalo mo dibungkusin.

angel More Wise (lebih bijak)
Walking through the pressured space teach me to be wiser to face all.
Biar makin disayang keluarga ama temen, terutama dipercaya si Boss.

malu More Patient (lebih sabar)
Easy to say, hard to do. No more act like a fool. No more messy person (mum).
Terus terang ini ujian paling bueeerat buatku. Yang kunomersatukan pokoknya kudu sabar momong si junior ama ngadepin seniornya.

baca Study hard (rajin belajar)
I got job promotion. Great job needs great responsibility. I have to learn more.
Ceritanye dapet promosi mo naik jabatan niih... makanye rajin2lah belajar, heheeh. joget

Yeeha..! tepuktangan kebaikan melawan keburukan! Kagak buruk2 amat ternyata setelah dilakoni. Itu karena nilai positipku lebih dominan dari yg negatif... Coba kalo kondisinya kebalik. Ampun deeh! bego Kira2 sapa nih yang bakal ketimpuk nerd maap ya minta waktunya bentar. Lumayan kan bisa buat celengan next posting...
Done! So, who's gonna be the next victims. semangat hey guys... beware, I'll throw this homework for you :
1. Mbak Ninik
2. Mbak Nia
3. Mamanya Kyra
4. Liza from Philippines (sorry, don't know where you are)
5. BB from Ghana
6. Fajar si anak kost
7. Dedy 'Cemol'
8. Hartman, the heart & mind


  1. Hi Caese! You're right I'm from the Philippines. Thanks so much for thinking of me on this tag, I've done this already, here's the link

    Thanks again and Happy New Year!

  2. yg pinter mbak lina-KL dong, tuh pe-er dikerjain tp ga diterusin ke banyak orang hihi....
    merasa bersalah juga, tuh pe-er dari deazy kan? nah deazy dari aku hihi..., aku dari Nchie....

  3. Hi! The url I gave you is the url of the tag I did in my other blog, moms..... check nyo.

    Take care and have a nice week ahead.

  4. bun, tnyata dah pernah ngerjain PR ini nih..

    please klik di:

    jadi kagak perlu ngerjain 2 kali ya..hihihihihihi...

    kapan mudik nih?

  5. I already linked you.


Hey, thanx..:)